Browsing by Author Good, Jim

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Oct-2013A geographic information system and remote sensing to support community-based coastal hazards planning in the Netarts Littoral Cell, OregonGeographic information systems -- Oregon -- Tillamook County; Good, Jim; Komar, Paul; Wright, Dawn; Marra, John
16-Oct-2013Assessing Pohnpei land use plan and implementation strategyGood, Jim; DeYoung, Bruce; Conway, Flaxen
16-Oct-2013Beyond oil : managing hazardous material spills in Puget SoundEmergency management -- Washington (State) -- Puget Sound; Good, Jim; Buckley, Earle
16-Oct-2013Building and sharing spatial metaphors for the catalogue of Oregon Marine and Coastal Information (COMCI)Wright, Dawn J.; Good, Jim; Kimerling, Jon
16-Oct-2013Capturing local knowledge for cooperative fisheries management using participatory geographic information system (GIS) approach in Port Orford, OregonGood, Jim; Scholz, Astrid; Wright, Dawn; Hepell, Scott
16-Oct-2013Considerations for development of a coastal zone management program in the state of Colima, MexicoNeal, Victor; Good, Jim
16-Oct-2013Economic costs of long-term sea level rise on the Oregon coast: A case study of the Siletz Littoral CellRosenberger, Randy; Good, Jim; Adams, Richard
16-Oct-2013Identifying potential wetland restoration sites for estuary-wide restoration planning in Oregon: a pilot project in the Coos EstuaryGood, Jim
16-Oct-2013Improving the environmental and social practices of coastal tourism operatorsAuyong, Jan; Good, Jim; List, Peter
16-Oct-2013Marine protected areas : gathering stakeholder input via an internet-based surveyGood, Jim; Hixon, Mark; Steel, Brent
16-Oct-2013Policy recommendations of the U.S. Commission on ocean policy : Is public input represented?Lunch, Bill; Steel, Brent; Good, Jim
16-Oct-2013The role of natural resources information in Oregon legislative policy-making; two case studies from the 1991 legislative sessionGood, Jim; Gonar, Jeff; Hildreth, Richard