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Browsing by Author Harte, Michael
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
16-Oct-2013 | A GIS Evaluation of Land Use Zones and Water Quality for Marine Conservation
Site Selection in Lincoln County, Oregon | Harte, Michael; Wright, Dawn; Smillie, Hamilton |
16-Oct-2013 | Community-based sea turtle monitoring and management at Helen Reef, Hatohobei State, Republic of Palau | Heppell, Selina S.; Harte, Michael; Tilt, Bryan; Gregory, Stanley |
16-Oct-2013 | Development of an autonomous in-situ instrument for long-term monitoring of Cu(II) in the marine environment | Zanna, Chase; Hales, Burke; Harte, Michael; Maguire, Douglas |
16-Oct-2013 | Mapping a path to sustainable utilization of bay clam resources in Oregon’s 21st century estuaries : an investigation into the potential of Oregon’s commercial bay clam fishery : report to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Oregon Commercial Bay Clam Industry | Sylvia, Gil; Harte, Michael; D'Andrea, Anthony |
16-Oct-2013 | Tugboat compliance with the International Maritime Organization Area to be avoided off the Washington Coast | Harte, Michael; Collier, Robert; Prahl, Fredrick |