Browsing by Author Wright, Dawn J.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Oct-2013A Novel landscape ecology approach for determining microhabitat correlations and faunal patchiness in extreme environments: pilot study for the Southern East Pacific Rise at 17-18° SWright, Dawn J.; Allen Jones, Julia; Kimerling, A. Jon
16-Oct-2013Building and sharing spatial metaphors for the catalogue of Oregon Marine and Coastal Information (COMCI)Wright, Dawn J.; Good, Jim; Kimerling, Jon
16-Oct-2013Developing "humane" interfaces to data clearinghouses for improving the delivery of spatial information to marine resource managersWright, Dawn J.; Pancake, Cherri; Kimerling, A. Jon
16-Oct-2013GIS modeling of potential marine protected areas in the Northwest Atlantic via biological and socioeconomic parametersWright, Dawn J.; Heppell, Selina; Kimerling, A. Jon; Lundy, James; Fish
16-Oct-2013Integrating GIS and community mapping into secondary science education: a web GIS approachWright, Dawn J.
16-Oct-2013Integration of submersible transect data and high-resolution sonar imagery for a habitat-based groundfish assessment of Heceta Bank, OregonWright, Dawn J.; Kimerling, A. Jon; Embley, Robert W.; Hixon, Mark A.
16-Oct-2013Introducing geographic information systems to grass seed growers in the Willamette Valley of OregonWright, Dawn J.; Aldrich-Markham, Susan; Jackson, Philip; Kimerling, A. Jon; Fisk, Martin
16-Oct-2013Lahar hazard mapping of Mount Shasta, California : a GIS-based delineation of potential inundation zones in Mud and Whitney Creek basinsWright, Dawn J.
16-Oct-2013Metadata for the Oregon Coast Geospatial Clearinghouse : concept, implementation, and maintenanceWright, Dawn J.
16-Oct-2013Modeling the Environmental Protection Agency's level IV ecoregions within the Klamath Mountains of Southern Oregon and Northern California : a Geographic Information System approachWright, Dawn J.; Kimerling, Jon; White, Denis; Woods, Alan
16-Oct-2013Spatial interpolation in other dimensionsWright, Dawn J.; Kimerling, A. Jon; Goldfinger, Chris; Smith, Courtland
16-Oct-2013Testing the ArcGIS Marine Data Model : busing spatial information to examine habitat utilization patterns of reef fish along the west coast of HawaiiWright, Dawn J.; Becker, Laurence; Tissot, Brian N.; Sleight, Arthur W.
16-Oct-2013The development and application of benthic classifications for coral reef ecosystems below 30 m depth using multibeam bathymetry : Tutuila, American SamoaWright, Dawn J.; Good, James; Doel, Ronald; Lundy, James
16-Oct-2013Using an internet map server and coastal remote sensing for educationWright, Dawn J.; Becker, Laurence; Kimerling, Jon