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Title: Unparticles-Higgs Interplay
Keywords: High Energy Physics
Description: This is Version nr. 2 (13/08/2007) of the original paper (30/07/2007). Includes corrected typos.
We show that scalar unparticles coupled to the Standard Model Higgs at the renormalizable level can have a dramatic impact in the breaking of the electroweak symmetry already at tree level. In particular one can get the proper electroweak scale without the need of a Higgs mass term in the Lagrangian. By studying the mixed unparticle-Higgs propagator and spectral function we also show how unparticles can shift the Higgs mass away from its Standard Model value, λ v^2, and influence other Higgs boson properties. Conversely, we study in some detail how electroweak symmetry breaking affects the unparticle sector by breaking its conformal symmetry and generating a mass gap. We also show that, for Higgs masses above that gap, unparticles can increase quite significantly the Higgs width.
Peer reviewed
Other Identifiers: arXiv:0707.4309v2
Appears in Collections:Digital Csic

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