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dc.creatorYruela Guerrero, Inmaculada-
dc.creatorGarcía-Rubio, Inés-
dc.creatorRoncel Gil, Mercedes-
dc.creatorMartínez, Jesús I.-
dc.creatorRamiro Pascual, María Victoria-
dc.creatorOrtega, José M.-
dc.creatorAlonso, Pablo J.-
dc.creatorPicorel Castaño, Rafael-
dc.identifierPhotochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2003, (4),437-442-
dc.descriptionThe definitive version is available at:
dc.descriptionThe detergent effect on Cytochrome b559 from spinach photosystem II was studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in D1–D2–Cyt b559 complex preparations. Various n-dodecyl--D-maltoside concentrations from 0 to 0.2%(w/v) were used to stabilise the D1–D2–Cyt b559 complexes. Low spin heme EPR spectra were obtained but the gz feature positions changed depending on the detergent conditions. Redox potentiometric titrations showed a unique redox potential cytochrome b559 form (Em=+123–150 mV) in all the D1–D2–Cyt b559 complex preparations indicating that detergent does not affect this property of the protein in those conditions. A similar effect on Cytochrome b559 EPR spectrum was observed in more intact photosystem II preparations independently of their aggregation state. This finding indicates that changes due to detergent could be a common phenomenon in photosystem II complexes. Results are discussed in terms of the environment each detergent provides to the protein.-
dc.descriptionI. G.-R. was recipient of a fellowship from the Ministry of Education and Culture of Spain. This work was supported by the Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (Grants PB98-1632 to R.P. and PB97-1135 to J.M.O.) and by the Diputación General de Aragón (Projects P17/98 to P.J.A. and P111/2001 to J.I.M.).-
dc.descriptionPeer reviewed-
dc.format158025 bytes-
dc.publisherRoyal Society of Chemistry (Great Britain)-
dc.subjectcytochrome b559-
dc.subjectelectron paramagnetic resonance-
dc.subjectphotosystem II-
dc.subjectreaction centre-
dc.subjectredox potential-
dc.titleDetergent effect on cytochrome b559 electron paramagnetic resonance signals in the photosystem II reaction centre-
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