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Title: Beta decay half-life of Ra-231
Keywords: [PACS] Lifetimes, widths
[PACS] γ transitions and level energies
[PACS] Properties of specific nuclei listed by mass ranges: A ≥ 220
Publisher: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Description: 2 pages, 1 table, 1 figure.-- PACS nrs.: 21.10.Tg, 23.20.Lv, 27.90.+b.
The low-energy structure of Ac-231 has been investigated by means of γ, conversion electrons, γ-γ and γ-e- spectroscopy following the β(-)-decay of Ra-231. Here, we report on the precise determination of the Ra-231 β-decay half-life.
Peer reviewed
Other Identifiers: Physica Scripta T125: 180–181 (2006)
Appears in Collections:Digital Csic

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