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Title: Clarification of the low-lying states of Be-9
Keywords: [PACS] Relation with nuclear matrix elements and nuclear structure
[PACS] Properties of specific nuclei listed by mass ranges: 6 ≤ A ≤ 19
[PACS] Nuclear tests of fundamental interactions and symmetries
Publisher: Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Description: 5 pages, 1 table, 2 figures.-- Presented at the International Conference on Finite Fermionic Systems: Nilsson Model 50 years (Lund University, Sweden, June 14–18, 2005).-- PACS nrs.: 23.40.Hc, 27.20.+n, 24.80.+y.
A newly developed technique for dealing with three-body decays of broad isolated levels is extended to deal with the broad, overlapping levels found at 2-9 MeV excitation energy in Be-9. The levels are populated through beta-decay of Li-9. The method gives firm evidence for the existence of several levels. Angular correlation studies allow spin values to be assigned.
Peer reviewed
Other Identifiers: Physica Scripta T125: 103-107 (2006)
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