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Title: Novel Rho GTPase Involved in Cytokinesis and Cell Wall Integrity in the Fission Yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Publisher: American Society for Microbiology
Description: The Rho family of GTPases is present in all eukaryotic cells from yeast to mammals; they are regulators in signaling pathways that control actin organization and morphogenetic processes. In yeast, Rho GTPases are implicated in cell polarity processes and cell wall biosynthesis. It is known that Rho1 and Rho2 are key proteins in the construction of the cell wall, an essential structure that in Schizosaccharomyces pombe is composed of β-glucan, α-glucan, and mannoproteins. Rho1 regulates the synthesis of 1,3-β-d-glucan by activation of the 1,3-β-d-glucan synthase, and Rho2 regulates the synthesis of α-glucan by the 1,3-α-d-glucan synthase Mok1. Here we describe the characterization of another Rho GTPase in fission yeast, Rho4. rho4Δ cells are viable but display cell separation defects at high temperature. In agreement with this observation, Rho4 localizes to the septum. Overexpression of rho4+ causes lysis and morphological defects. Several lines of evidence indicate that both rho4+ deletion or rho4+ overexpression result in a defective cell wall, suggesting an additional role for Rho4 in cell wall integrity. rho4Δ cells also accumulate secretory vesicles around the septum and are defective in actin polarization. We propose that Rho4 could be involved in the regulation of the septum degradation during cytokinesis.
T.M.C. was supported by a fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación and I3P from the CSIC. This work was supported by grants IFD97-1507-C02-01 and BIO-2001-1531 from the Comisio´n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología, Spain and SA026/02 from Junta de Castilla y León.
Peer reviewed
Other Identifiers: Eukaryot Cell 2(3): 521–533 (2003)
Appears in Collections:Digital Csic

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