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Title: Deep-water Hydromedusae from the Lacaze-Duthiers submarine canyon (Banyuls, northwestern Mediterranean) and description of two new genera, Guillea and Parateclaia
Keywords: Hydromedusae
Submarine canyons
Western Mediterranean
Deep-sea fauna
Guillea canyonincolae
Parateclaia euromarge
Publisher: CSIC - Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM)
Description: Publicación online disponible en:
Several species of hydromedusae are reported from material collected by sediment traps placed in the Lacaze-Duthiers submarine canyon, off Banyuls (north-western Mediterranean). Two new taxa Guillea canyonincolae gen. nov. et sp. nov. and Parateclaia euromarge fam. nov., gen. nov. et sp. nov., are described. The existence of highly-specific hydromedusa populations in other Mediterranean canyons which appear to be related via geological history, topography, hydrographic and ecological features peculiar to each canyon, is discussed in relation to these new records.
This work was supported by the European Community research program EUROMARGE-NB (contract MAS2-CT93-0053) and it has been finished with assistance from the LEA (Associated Marine Laboratory) “Marine Sciences”.
Peer reviewed
Other Identifiers: Scientia Marina 64(Suppl.1): 87-95 (2000)
0214-8358 (print edition)
1886-8134 (online edition)
Appears in Collections:Digital Csic

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