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dc.creatorMoraes, Elcione-
dc.creatorSimón, Francisco-
dc.creatorGuimarães, Luis-
dc.creatorMoreno, Antonio-
dc.identifierXIX Congreso Internacional de Acústica (ICA2007)-
dc.descriptionPonencia presentada en el XIX Congreso Internacional de Acústica (ICA2007), Madrid, 2-7 Sep 2007.-- PACS: 43.50.Rq.-
dc.descriptionNoise can be considered as a pollution source for modern societies, so great effort is currently done to its characterization and control. The key tool to manage this kind of problem is noise map. Prediction noise maps have helped to extend and facilitate the diagnosis of urban noise pollution. Reliability and accuracy of their results are very dependent on input data which in turn depend on a set of geographic and social characteristics of the city being studied. Under these conditions using a general urban noise prediction model for different cities can be a risky strategy and produce significant errors. In this work, a noise model for the city of Belém, Brasil, has been developed based on environmental noise measures carried out for a few of its districts. Then, this model has been applied to predict the noise of other districts that were not measured.-
dc.descriptionPeer reviewed-
dc.format223541 bytes-
dc.publisherSociedad Española de Acústica-
dc.subjectUrban noise pollution-
dc.subjectNoise maps-
dc.subjectPrediction models-
dc.subjectEnvironmental noise measures-
dc.titleModelling the urban noise of the city of Belém (Brazil)-
dc.typeComunicación de congreso-
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