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Title: Rationalizing Boundedly Rational Choice : Sequential Rationalizability and Rational Shortlist Methods
Keywords: D0
rationalizability of choice
bounded rationality
intransitive choice
incomplete preferences
menu dependence
Beschränkte Rationalität
Rationales Verhalten
Issue Date: 16-Oct-2013
Description: A sequentially rationalizable choice function is a choice function which can be obtained by applying sequentially a fixed set of asymmetric binary relations (rationales). A Rational ShortlistMethod (RSM) is a choice function which is sequentially rationalizable by two rationales. These concepts translate into economic language some human choice heuristics studied in psychology. We provide a full characterization of RSMs and study some properties of sequential rationalizability. These properties allow some degree of menu dependence in choice.
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Appears in Collections:EconStor

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