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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 3599
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Metamorfismo y estructura de la Formación Maimón y los Complejos Duarte y Río Verde, Cordillera Central Dominicana: implicaciones en la estructura y la evolucion del primitivo Arco Isla Caribeño-
-Role of insulin receptor and balance in insulin receptor isoforms A and B in regulation of apoptosis in simian virus 40-immortalized neonatal hepatocytes-
-Methodology for electro mechanical simulation of piezoelectric ceramics-
-Filtrado adaptativo no lineal para la reducción de ruido estructural en inspecciones por ultrasonidos-
-Quality control of liquid pigment-based suspensions using ultrasounds-
-Resonance-based acoustic technique applied to the determination of Young’s modulus in granites-
-Comparison between the methods of the norm L1, L2, hilbert transform and phase analysis to obtain the time of flight of ultrasonic signals-
-Time domain analysis of ultrasonic signals for non-invasive temperature estimation-
-Ultrasonic transduction system for imaging with a low number of transducers located at different planes-
-Aislamiento, caracterización y detección precoz de bacteriófagos de streptococcus thermophilus en la industria lácteaÁlvarez González, Miguel Ángel; Martín, M. Cruz
-Antioxidant Defenses in the Peripheral Cell Layers of Legume Root Nodules-
-Reflection and transmission of plane ultrasonic pulses in a three layer biological structure-
-Power mesurement of airbone ultrasonic transducers-
-Collaborate but protect: the challenges of protecting your data-
-Sensitivity of an idealized subtropical gyre to the eastern boundary conditions-
-Water masses, circulation and transport in the eastern boundary current of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre-
-Experiments on layer formation in stratified shear flow-
-Subdivisión geoquímica del Arco Isla Circum-Caribeño, Cordillera Central Dominicana: Implicaciones para la formación, acrecion y crecimiento cortical en un ambiente intraoceánico-
-On the use of the non-stationarity of the structural noise for defect visibility enhnacement in ultrasonic inspections-
-Combustión de CH4 en lecho fluidizado con separación inherente de CO2 por medio de transportadores sólidos de oxígeno de base cobreAdánez Elorza, Juan; Diego Poza, Luis F. de
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 3599
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