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dc.creatorJesus V.L.B. de-
dc.creatorGuimarães A.P.-
dc.creatorOliveira I.S.-
dc.descriptionThe motion of a particle with charge q and mass m in a magnetic field given by B = kB0 + B1 [icos(omegat) + jsin(omegat)] and an electric field which obeys <FONT FACE="Symbol">Ñ</FONT> ×E = -<FONT FACE="Symbol">¶</FONT>B/<FONT FACE="Symbol">¶</FONT>t is analysed classically and quantum-mechanically. The use of a rotating coordinate system allows the analytical derivation of the particle classical trajectory and its laboratory wavefunction. The motion exhibits two resonances, one at omega = omegac = -qBo/m, the cyclotron frequency, and the other at omega = omegaL = -qBo/2m, the Larmor frequency. For omega at the first resonance frequency, the particle acquires a simple closed trajectory, and the effective hamiltonian can be interpreted as that of a particle in a static magnetic field. In the second case a term corresponding to an effective static electric field remains, and the particle orbit is an open line. The particle wave function and eigenenergies are calculated.-
dc.publisherSociedade Brasileira de Física-
dc.sourceBrazilian Journal of Physics-
dc.subjectmagnetic resonance-
dc.subjection trapping-
dc.subjectisotope separation-
dc.subjectmagnetic confinement-
dc.titleClassical and quantum mechanics of a charged particle in oscillating electric and magnetic fields-
Appears in Collections:Physics and Astronomy

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