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Title: The Failure of Fine Printing
Keywords: Kat Ran Press
Michael Russem
fine printing
fine press artist's book
livre d'artiste
Issue Date: 30-May-2013
Publisher: The Book Arts Web - Peter D. Verheyen
Description: In the fall of 2004, after ten years of working as a typographer, letterpress printer, and fine press publisher, I published Sleep, the book for which those previous years had prepared me.The story was by Haruki Murakami, my favorite writer. John Gibson, whose paintings I adore, contributed etchings. Because I felt particularly strong about the content, extra pains were taken to plan an especially luxurious edition which would evoke and honor that content. Finally, I thought, this story will be presented in a format that is truly appropriate. The papers were handmade at Twinrocker.The Dante types were set by Michael & Winifred Bixler. The color etchings were printed by Peter Pettengill at Wingate Studio. The leather binding was carried out by Claudia Cohen. These are the very best craftspeople, and I could not imagine assembling a better team to work on the edition. After eight months of planning and production, I had a book of which I could finally be proud. I shipped out copies to collectors and anxiously awaited comments and checks. The seven titles previously printed under my Kat Ran imprint had not garnered nearly as much gushing as Sleep eventually did, and it seemed as though the book was a real step forward. While comments on the etchings, typography, printing, and binding were copious, however, not one person had commented on the text. I wrote to an especially voracious Kat Ran collector to ask his opinion of the story. His reply: I don’t buy your books to read.
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Appears in Collections:Arts and Architecture

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