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Title: Effect of suprathermal electrons on central plasma relaxation oscillations during localized electron cyclotron heating on the HL-1M Tokamak
Issue Date: 30-May-2013
Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Física
Description: In this paper we discuss the typical behavior of HL-1M tokamak plasmas during ECRH. A large variety ofsawtooth types have been observed at different ECH power deposition locations. The observed central MHD activities detected by the soft x-ray diode array include saturated sawtooth, partially saturated sawtooth, double sawtooth, and strong m=1 bursts superimposed on the ramp phase of sawtooth. Complete suppression of sawtooth is achieved during ECRH, when the heating power is applied on the high-field side of low-density plasmas, and exceeds a threshold value of power. The m=1 bursts riding on the ramp phase of sawtooth can only be excited when the ECRH location is near the q=1 surface at the high field side. The conditions under which the various relaxation activities are produced, or suppressed, are described. Experimental results imply that the energetic electrons, generated during ECRH, are responsible for the modification or stabilization or excitation of the instability. Near the q=1 surface, while the passing electrons play a roleto reduce the shear and tend to stabilize the sawtooth activity, the barely-trapped electrons play a role to enhance or drive aninternal kink instability.
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