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Title: Open letter to President George W. Bush on conduct by scientists, STM journals, and Scientific Institutions
Keywords: Alzheimer's disease
Niemann Pick type C disease
Potamkin prize
institutional corruption in medicine
public interest
public health
non disclosure
competing financial interest
scientific integrity
Issue Date: 30-May-2013
Publisher: Neurobiology of Lipids
Description: Several recent publications in Science magazine seem supporting the "campaign to stop [George W. Bush Administration] misuse of science before it damages our health, safety, and environment." This open letter to The President argues that the major threat to the public health and public interest in science come from corrupted scientists, STM journals and scientific institutions. The letter quotes the author written evidence for inquiry on Scientific Publication by Science and Technology Committee, UK House of Commons. This evidence analyses the state of affairs in Alzheimer's disease (AD) research, concludes on "editorial and publisher corruption" by the major general science and neuroscience journals, and serves the basis for a referring the major conflict of interest in the field of AD for UK Serious Fraud Office investigation. The letter invites The President to lead the task to correct the situation and to help to restore integrity of science at all stages of scientific process.
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