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Title: Eletrólise de resíduos poluidores: I - Efluente de uma indústria liofilizadora de condimentos
Keywords: electrolysis
seasoning wastewater
wastewater treatment
Issue Date: 30-May-2013
Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Química
Description: Wastewater from a seasoning freeze-drying industry was electrolysed to increase its biodegradability. Stainless-steel electrodes were used at 9.09 A/m², for up to 80 min. Conductivity, pH, biochemical (BOD) and chemical (COD) oxygen demands, Daphnia similis acute toxicity bioassays, and bacteria counting through the plate count agar method were determined after different times of electrolysis. The results (e.g. higher BOD and lower COD) showed that the biodegradability of the wastewater was significantly increased; furthermore, Fe2+ ions liberated by the electrodes cause microorganisms to die and, when oxidised to Fe3+, contribute for the flocculation and sedimentation of solid residues.
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