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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 250
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
30-May-2013Religión y capital social en <i>La democracia en América</i>-
30-May-2013Individuo y ciudadano: La cuestión del sujeto en <i>La democracia en América</i> de A. de Tocqueville-
30-May-2013El descubrimiento de la democracia: La modernización y el agotamiento de la imaginación-
30-May-2013Los mecanismos de la democracia en el pensamiento político de Alexis de Tocqueville-
30-May-2013Alexis de Tocqueville y su daguerrotipo del <i>homo democraticus</i>-
30-May-2013Thousand years of winter surface air temperature variations in Svalbard and northern Norway reconstructed from ice-core data-
30-May-2013Response of Eyjafjallajökull, Torfajökull and Tindfjallajökull ice caps in Iceland to regional warming, deduced by remote sensing-
30-May-2013Tunable Crystal-to-Crystal Phase Transition in a Cadmium Halide Chain Polymer-
30-May-2013Polymer-Optical-Fiber Lasers and Amplifiers Doped with Organic Dyes-
30-May-2013Research on the Computing Methods of Determinant-
30-May-2013The Influence of Sceptibility to Emotion on the Speed of Information Processing-
30-May-2013Research of the Reason for Variations of Surface Albedo in Different Areas in China from 1982 to 1998-
30-May-2013Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the Tourist Satisfaction in Baishuiyang Resort of Fujian-
30-May-2013Study on Rural Landscape Features and Spatial Difference in Fuzhou Suburbs-
30-May-2013The Actual State and Improvement Countermeasures for Geo-park Website Construction in China-
30-May-2013An Analysis on Niche and Degree of Spatial Association of Paeonia decomposita Community-
30-May-2013Research on the Simplified Model for Fine Stripes of Filarnet Piffraction-
30-May-2013Research of the Characteristics of Fiber Bragg Grating as the Cavity Mirror in All-fiber Laser-
30-May-2013A Review on Classification Algorithms in Data Mining-
30-May-2013Some Qualities of Analytic Functions with Positive Coefficients with Respect to k Symmetric Points-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 121 to 140 of 250
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