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Title: Die Partikel 'allein'. Klassifizierungs- und Bedeutungsprobleme
Keywords: particle
Issue Date: 30-May-2013
Publisher: European University Viadrina, Faculty for Cultural Sciences
Description: 'Allein' has the same types of use like 'nur' on first sight: one restrictive, one evaluative, one grading or scalar and one adversative. ('Nur' has one fourth type additionally, the use as a modal particle, which 'allein' doesn't have.) This faning of meanings of genuine restrictive particles is not only typical for one language, but is also proved for 'only'. As one result of comparison of 'allein' and 'nur' there are some differences: <br>1. 'Allein' is syntactically not as flexible as 'nur'. <br>2. There are not so much semantic variants of 'allein' then of 'nur'. <br>The restrictive and the adversative meaning of 'allein' is archaic. The evaluative meaning of 'allein' ist different from the scalar meaning of 'nur'. Outlook: The nowadays appearances types of 'nur' and 'allein' like found in Mannheimer corpus allows to suppose that there is a sharing of semantic functions between 'nur' and 'allein'. 'Allein' évaluatif has the priority in newest corpora. This meaning is not typical for 'nur'. The restrictive and the adversative functions are carried by 'nur', whereas 'allein' lost this functions.
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