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Title: Nuevo cementerio municipal de Castellnou de Bages (Barcelona, España)
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Instituto de Ciencias de la Construccion Eduardo Torroja
Description: The thousand-year-old town of Castellnou de Bages, the centre of a municipality with 500 inhabitants living scattered about in farmhouses and housing developments, is virtually deserted. The town council wants to revitalise it by promoting its historical importance and its public spaces. There modelling of the old cemetery ,next to the square, is part of this strategy. The decision was taken to establish a new cemetery using the neighbouring ruins of the old rectory, a building that dates back to the 10th century, which was set on fire in 1936 and has remain ed abandoned ever since. This approach has meant that the remains of the rectory have been safeguarded and their sentimental value, as well as their importance as evidence of history, have been transferred to the new site.<br><br>El milenario pueblo de Castellnou de Bages, cabeza de un municipio de 500 habitantes diseminados en casas de labor o nuevas urbanizaciones, est&#225; casi deshabitado. El Ayuntamiento quiere revitalizarlo potenciando sus valores hist&#243;ricos y sus espacios p&#250;blicos. La remodelaci&#243;n del viejo cementerio, contiguo a la plaza, forma parte de esta estrategia. Se decidi&#243; construir un nuevo camposanto aprovechando las vecinas ruinas de la vieja rector&#237;a (un edificio cuyo origen se remonta al siglo X), incendiadas en 1936 y abandonadas desde entonces. De esta manera se salvaron los restos, y sus valores documentales y sentimentales han sido transferidos al nuevo equipamiento.
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Appears in Collections:Arts and Architecture

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