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dc.creatorFulco U. L.-
dc.creatorSilva L. R. da-
dc.creatorNobre F. D.-
dc.creatorLucena L. S.-
dc.descriptionThe long-range bond-percolation problem, on a linear chain (d = 1), in the presence of diluted sites (with an occupancy probability p s for an active site) is studied by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. The occupancy probability for a bond between two active sites i and j, separated by a distance r ij is given by p ij = <img width=32 height=32 id="_x0000_i1026" src="../../img/revistas/bjp/v33n3/a32img01.gif" align=absbottom>, where p represents the usual occupancy probability between nearest-neighbor sites. This model allows one to analyse the competition between long-range bonds (which enhance percolation) and diluted sites (which weaken percolation). By varying the parameter a (a > 0), one may find a crossover between a nonextensive regime and an extensive regime; in particular, the cases a = 0 and a ® ¥ represent, respectively, two well-known limits, namely, the mean-field (infinite-range bonds) and first-neighbor-bond limits. The percolation order parameter, P¥, was investigated numerically for different values of a and p s. Two characteristic values of a were found, which depend on the site-occupancy probability p s, namely, a1(p s) and a2(p s) (a2(p s) > a1(p s) > 0). The parameter P¥ equals unit, "p > 0, for 0 < a < a1(p s) and vanishes, "p < 1, for a > a2(p s). In the interval a1(p s) < a < a2(p s), the parameter P¥ displays a familiar behavior, i.e., 0 for p < p c(a) and finite otherwise. It is shown that both a1(p s) and a2(p s) decrease with the inclusion of diluted sites. For a fixed p s, it is shown that a convenient variable, p* º p*(p, a, N), may be defined in such a way that plots of P¥ versus p* collapse for different sizes and values of a in the nonextensive regime.-
dc.publisherSociedade Brasileira de Física-
dc.sourceBrazilian Journal of Physics-
dc.titleCompeting long-range bonds and site dilution in the one-dimensional bond-percolation problem-
Appears in Collections:Physics and Astronomy

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