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Title: Evolución histórica de la construcción con yeso
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Instituto de Ciencias de la Construccion Eduardo Torroja
Description: The article describes the history of plaster in construction, which is divided into a series of major stages marked by revolutionary periods. The characteristics of the material are analyzed and the construction procedures in use since the Neolithic Revolution described.<br>Throughout its lengthy history, plaster has evolved from an artisanal to an industrial product, both in terms of the manufacturing process involved and of its characteristics as a construction material<br><br>El art&#237;culo presenta la evoluci&#243;n hist&#243;rica de la construcci&#243;n con yeso estructur&#225;ndola en grandes etapas marcadas por periodos revolucionarios. Se analizan los procedimientos constructivos y las caracter&#237;sticas de este material que nos ha acompa&#241;ado desde la revoluci&#243;n neol&#237;tica hasta nuestros d&#237;as .<br>A lo largo de este tiempo, el yeso ha pasado de artesanal a industrial, tanto por su fabricaci&#243;n como por sus caracter&#237;sticas como material de construcci&#243;n.
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Appears in Collections:Arts and Architecture

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