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dc.creatorSuarez, R.-
dc.creatorSendra, J. J.-
dc.creatorNavarro, J.-
dc.creatorLeón, A. L.-
dc.descriptionThe Cathedral-Mosque of C&#243;rdoba represented, in its day, a remarkable form of intervention in a pre-existing building, being an important place of worship for islamic culture, which the conquering christian civilization wished to occupy. Intervention of this type usually consisted of a new construction which would guarantee ideological domination over the previous culture and wipe out all traces of it. However, in this case the moslem building underwent a metamorphosis to adapt it to the new requirements of the christian faith, but without losing its individual character. The horizontal, abstract space of the mosque was transformed by the insertion of two spaces which were clearly western and vertical: two cathedrals, one gothic and the other renaissance.<br>These two cathedral spaces present welldefined typologies, the acoustic features of which have in some cases been studied and are generally known. However, in the Cathedral-Mosque of C&#243;rdoba, this behaviour differs from what would normally be expected of these typologies, with some special acoustic features being generated which are the object of the present study.<br>It is the boundaries delimiting the different areas - virtual and non-material- which are responsible for the improved acoustics in each of the spaces. These limits behave, rather than as boundaries between two spaces, as energizing elements which are fed by the tension provoked by the differences between them.<br><br>La Mezquita-Catedral de C&#243;rdoba supuso, en su momento, una forma de intervenci&#243;n singular sobre un edificio preexistente, siendo un lugar de culto destacable para la cultura isl&#225;mica, que la civilizaci&#243;n cristiana conquistadora quer&#237;a ocupar. Usualmente esa intervenci&#243;n consist&#237;a en una nueva construcci&#243;n que garantizase el dominio ideol&#243;gico sobre la cultura precedente, borrando sus huellas. Sin embargo, en este caso se produce una metamorfosis del edificio musulm&#225;n para adecuarlo a las nuevas exigencias de la religi&#243;n cristiana, pero sin perder su propio car&#225;cter. El espacio horizontal y abstracto de la mezquita se transforma mediante la inserci&#243;n de dos espacios claramente occidentales y verticales: dos catedrales, una g&#243;tica y otra renacentista.<br>Esos dos espacios catedralicios presentan tipolog&#237;as bien definidas, cuyas caracter&#237;sticas ac&#250;sticas en algunos casos han sido estudiadas y son conocidas de modo general. Sin embargo, en la Mezquita-Catedral de C&#243;rdoba, este comportamiento difiere del que corresponder&#237;a a esas tipolog&#237;as, gener&#225;ndose unas conductas ac&#250;sticas singulares que son objeto de estudio en este trabajo.<br>Los l&#237;mites que conforman los diferentes recintos &#226;&#128;&#148;virtuales y no materiales&#226;&#128;&#148; son los responsables de la mejora en el comportamiento ac&#250;stico de cada uno de los espacios. Estos l&#237;mites, m&#225;s que fronteras entre dos espacios, se comportan como elementos energ&#233;ticos que se nutren de la tensi&#243;n provocada por las diferencias entre ellos.-
dc.publisherConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient&#237;ficas - Instituto de Ciencias de la Construccion Eduardo Torroja-
dc.sourceInformes de la Construccion-
dc.titleEspacios acoplados en la Mezquita-Catedral de C&#243;rdoba: el sonido de los l&#237;mites-
Appears in Collections:Arts and Architecture

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