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Title: En Memoria de Heinz Hossdorf
Keywords: test model
prestressed concrete
structural shell
fiber glass
ensayo modelos
hormigón pretensado
estructura laminar
fibra de vidrio
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Instituto de Ciencias de la Construccion Eduardo Torroja
Description: Science, Technology, Civil Engineering and Architecture regret the recent death of Heinz Hossdorf, a genius of the 20th century.<br>Although, Hossdorf was formed as a civil engineer at the Zurich Polytechnic, his special scientific model of thinking made him self-taught. As Leonardo Da Vinci, he was an observant lover of the Laws which rule the Universe. He founded his own investigation laboratory in Basilea in order to follow the way of his intuition with freedom. He was always in contact with the Instituto T&#233;cnico de la Construcci&#243;n founded by Eduardo Torroja.<br>His technique and scientific contributions belong to different fields such as: model tests, electronic, civil engineering, architecture, photography, computer applications, threedimensional draw CAD, new materials, heavy machinery, and also the most revolutionary calculation methods such as FME.<br>The innovative work built by Heinz Hossdorf, such as those built by Maillart, Torroja and Nervi, belong to the most important legacy of Modern Architecture and Engineering.<br><br>La Ciencia, la Tecnolog&#237;a, la Ingenier&#237;a Civil y la Arquitectura lamentan la reciente muerte de Heinz Hossdorf, un genio del siglo XX.<br>Aunque Hossdorf se form&#243; como ingeniero civil en la Polit&#233;cnica de Zurich, su especial modelo de pensamiento cient&#237;fico le llev&#243; a ser autodidacta. Fue, como Leonardo Da Vinci, un amante observador de las Leyes que rigen el Universo. Fund&#243; su propio laboratorio de investigaci&#243;n en Basilea para seguir libremente el camino de su intuici&#243;n. De forma permanente estuvo en contacto con el Instituto T&#233;cnico de la Construcci&#243;n fundado por Eduardo Torroja.<br>Sus aportaciones t&#233;cnicas y cient&#237;ficas pertenecen a campos tan diversos como: ensayos sobre modelos, electr&#243;nica, ingenier&#237;a civil, arquitectura, fotograf&#237;a, aplicaciones del ordenador, representaci&#243;n gr&#225;fica tridimensional CAD, nuevos materiales, maquinaria pesada, y hasta los m&#225;s revolucionarios m&#233;todos de c&#225;lculo, como el FME.<br>La innovadora obra construida de Heinz Hossdorf &#226;&#128;&#148;como la de Maillart, Torroja y Nervi&#226;&#128;&#148;, pertenece al m&#225;s importante legado de la Arquitectura e Ingenier&#237;a Moderna.
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Appears in Collections:Arts and Architecture

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