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Title: En memoria de Miguel Fisac
Keywords: cavity forms
flexible forms
M. Fisac
formas huecas
encofrados flexibles
M. Fisac
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2013
Publisher: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas - Instituto de Ciencias de la Construccion Eduardo Torroja
Description: Miguel Fisac was a pithy person, sculpted from a single stone. There is no point in distinguishing parts where there were none, but it is worthwhile to attempt to analyze different points of view on the activity of a monolithic personality. Architects, designers, contractors, inventors, troublemakers and theologians among others could rightly claim him as one of their own. Given the exclusive attitudes adopted by most trades, however, they would be more likely to define him as &#226;&#128;&#156;an outsider who did things&#226;&#128;&#157;. At the age of nearly 93, in his last project, which he left in the design phase, he was planning to use the &#226;&#128;&#156;construction system with precast members combining architecture and strength&#226;&#128;&#156; that he had patented years before in Spain and 21 other countries, the United States and Russia among them.<br><br>Miguel Fisac era un personaje escueto, de una sola pieza, no cabe distinguir partes donde no las hay, pero si tratar de analizar desde distintos puntos de vista la actividad de una personalidad monol&#237;tica; arquitectos, dise&#241;adores, constructores, inventores, polemistas y te&#243;logos entre otros podr&#237;an con facilidad reivindicar su figura como uno de los suyos, aunque dado el af&#225;n de exclusividad que caracteriza a todo gremio, es m&#225;s probable que lo calificaran como &#226;&#128;&#156;alguien, de fuera, que ha hecho cosas&#226;&#128;&#157;. Al filo de los 93 a&#241;os, en su &#250;ltima obra, a&#250;n en proyecto, iba a emplear un &#226;&#128;&#156;sistema de construcci&#243;n mediante elementos prefabricados con funciones arquitect&#243;nicas y resistentes conjuntas&#226;&#128;&#157; patentado por &#233;l hace a&#241;os en Espa&#241;a y en otros 21 pa&#237;ses, entre ellos, Estados Unidos y Rusia.
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Appears in Collections:Arts and Architecture

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