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Title: The first year experience and persistence of Native American students at one predominantly white four year institution
Authors: Shintaku, Rich
Winter, Kris
Steel, Brent
Kingston, Deanna
Keywords: Native American
Issue Date: 16-Oct-2013
Description: Graduation date: 2006
The purpose of this study was to explore, from current Native American and Alaskan Native undergraduate students, what their experiences were as first year college students on the Oregon State University campus. In addition, it was important to learn how these experiences contributed to their success, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and overall quality of life during that first year. To answer these questions a mixed method research approach was used that included an online survey sent only to current, undergraduate, Native students and personal interviews with current, undergraduate, Native students. The online survey and personal interviews gave students an opportunity to disclose the types of experiences and challenges, campus involvement, and overall satisfaction they have had at OSU. Native students identified time management, financial costs, class/educational work, and missing family as major challenges during their first year on campus. Additionally, students identified positive relationships with faculty and/or advisors, having financial resources from tribal governments, the ability to be involved with student groups, and having a Longhouse as reasons for their success during their first year. As a result of these findings institutions can develop and provide intentional and appropriate programming and services to assist Native American and Alaskan Native students during their first year of college.
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