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Tax incentives and the location of FDI: evidence from a panel of German multinationals

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dc.creator Buettner, Thiess
dc.creator Ruf, Martin
dc.date 2005
dc.date.accessioned 2013-10-16T07:05:27Z
dc.date.available 2013-10-16T07:05:27Z
dc.date.issued 2013-10-16
dc.identifier http://hdl.handle.net/10419/19525
dc.identifier ppn:490504760
dc.identifier RePEc:zbw:bubdp1:3376
dc.identifier.uri http://koha.mediu.edu.my:8181/xmlui/handle/10419/19525
dc.description Using a firm-level dataset this paper investigates the impact of taxation on the decision of German multinationals to hold direct investments in other European countries or abroad. Controlling for firm-specific differences in the valuation of potential locations, the results confirm significant effects of tax incentives, market size, and of labor cost on cross-border location decisions. In accordance with Devereux and Griffith (1998) we find that the marginal tax rate has no predictive power for location decisions whereas effective average and statutory tax rates exert significant effects. In particular, the statutory tax rate has strong predictive power for the likelihood of direct investment holdings at a location. The results indicate that an increase in the statutory tax rate by 10 percentage points reduces the odds of observing some positive direct investment by approximately 20 %.
dc.language eng
dc.relation Discussion paper Series 1 / Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum der Deutschen Bundesbank 2005,17
dc.rights http://www.econstor.eu/dspace/Nutzungsbedingungen
dc.subject H25
dc.subject F23
dc.subject F21
dc.subject R38
dc.subject ddc:330
dc.subject Location
dc.subject FDI
dc.subject Taxes
dc.subject Firm-Level Panel Data
dc.subject Fixed-Effects Logit Model
dc.subject Direktinvestition
dc.subject Multinationales Unternehmen
dc.subject Standortwahl
dc.subject Unternehmensbesteuerung
dc.subject Steuerbelastung
dc.subject Schätzung
dc.subject Deutschland
dc.title Tax incentives and the location of FDI: evidence from a panel of German multinationals
dc.type doc-type:workingPaper

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