Creation of lifecycle value - a balance of
performance with cost and other attributes -
represents a challenge for the development of
aerospace products in the twenty-first century. This paper examines the concept of lifecycle value that stems from existing approaches of value
management and analysis, lifecycle costing, and
systems engineering. To ascertain common
characteristics of lifecycle value creation, case
studies were done for four aircraft programs: F/A-
18E/F, JAS 39 Gripen, F-16C/D, and B-777. A
lifecycle value creation framework is introduced,
comprised of three phases: value identification,
value proposition, value delivery. Based upon
observed practices in the four case studies, six value creation attributes were identified. Capability maturity models for the six attributes and three value creation phases are presented. The resulting framework represents a starting point for programs seeking to create lifecycle value for aerospace products.
Delivered at ICAS 2002 Congress.