Graduation date: 2006
Radiotelemetry was used to study the seasonal movements and habitat use
of adult westslope cutthroat trout Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi in Roberts
Creek and Rail Creek, headwater tributaries of the John Day River, Oregon,
from September 2000 to December 2001. The objectives were to (1)
describe adult cutthroat trout life history in headwater streams by
comparing seasonal movement patterns, and (2) assess seasonal habitat
selection by comparing habitat use to availability. For seasonal comparison,
only fish that survived with an active transmitter throughout winter, spring,
and summer were used in the analysis. Sample size was 17 (mean fork
length, 241mm) on Roberts Creek and 9 (mean fork length, 252 mm) on
Rail Creek. In winter and summer, radiotagged fish were relatively
sedentary on both Roberts Creek (median home ranges, 35 and 104 m,
respectively) and Rail Creek (median home ranges, 104 and 112 m). In
spring, 65% of fish in both streams moved over 100 m upstream to spawn;
upstream movements were as long as 1,138 m (median, 271 m) on Roberts
Creek and as long as 3,771 m (median, 311 m) on Rail Creek.
Postspawning movements downstream were common; 82% of fish on
Roberts Creek and 57% on Rail Creek showed homing behavior, returning
in summer to the same channel unit they inhabited in winter. Fish length
was positively correlated to total movement distance in spring on Roberts
Creek but not on Rail Creek. Over 86% of the surface area of both creeks
consisted of fast-water channel units. Instream large wood created the
majority of habitat heterogeneity in both streams and radiotagged cutthroat
trout were strongly associated with large wood pools throughout the year.
Plunge pools were positively selected throughout the year on both streams.
Headwater-resident populations of cutthroat trout are often considered
nonmigratory; however, these radiotagged fish showed fluvial migratory
behavior. These results demonstrate that habitat heterogeneity and
connectivity are important life history requirements for fluvial headwater resident
cutthroat trout.