This report includes information obtained in both 1983 and 1984. Beginning in
1983, only four of the original six permanent plot locations in the State would
be revisited. The two in the southwestern part of the State--Centennial Valley
and Madison River--were not visited because of reduced beetle populations and
111.1 increased logging. No update in 1984 was issed; however, data collected in the remaining plot locations showed Murr Creek to be the only one with significant beetle populations in 1983. There, new attacks averaged 21 per
acre compared with just over seven in 1982. In 1984, attacks declined to 6.9
per acre. In the Dunsire Creek area in 1983, attacks increased fourfold to 4.1
per acre, up from 0.9 per acre in 1982. They increased once again in 1984, to
12.4 per acre. No new attacks were recorded in either the Boulder Creek or
Spotted Bear plots in 1983. For that reason, those two areas were not visited
in 1984. I anticipate monitoring all four plot areas in 1985.